On 19th Nov. 2018 is the foundation day of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation in India. To commemorate this day the Carmel blossoms of our High school put up a beautiful programme under the leadership of Sr.Pushpa. All 53 Carmel Blossom staged the programme. The beginnings of the Congregation and about the pioneer sisters who toiled for the formation of the congregation was shown through the powerpoint. Through an interview students tried to give the message of the foundress, the mission aspect, the works carried by the sisters of the Apostolic Carmel. At the end of the programme, there was quiz conducted and student were very eager and enthusiastic to answer. Sr. Amette who was the chief guest for the day, congratulated the students and teachers in charge for the beautiful programme. She explained the work of Carmelites and the vision of the foundress Mother Veronica.

The programme was concluded by singing the School Anthem “Through effort to glory”
















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