Ladyhill Victoria Composite P.U.Colllege has a long history. Mother Marie des Anges opened an Elementary School, on 19 March 1885, on the premises adjoining St.Ann’s School.  It was known as St.Ann’s  Kanarese School.  In 1887, the School moved into its new quarters at Dongerkery. That year happened to be the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria and  hence, the School was renamed, “ Victoria Caste Girls’ School”.  In 1892 English became the medium of instruction.  As sanitary conditions were not conducive, Mother Aloysia  purchased a plot at  Urwa and in 1923 the School was shifted to this site and old Victoria Cast Girls’ school became the Ladyhill Victoria School Urwa.

Ladyhill Victoria Girls’ Composite P.U.College is known, for its excellent discipline, good result and dedicated teachers, all through the past decades. It strives hard to promote holistic development of all students with specific focus on their spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and aesthetic growth through various activities.  Serious academic tasks, group learning, team building through sports activities, environment-consciousness and eco-sensitive activities, shared noon meals, remedial teaching to empower the slow learners, leadership activities, form the integral education programme.

It has a strong support of the Old Students Association and the Parents Teachers Association which were started in 1953 and 1960 respectively. It is observed that the students who have passed through the portals of this institution have been women of honesty and integrity who have held fast to theses values as well as to those of loyalty and faith in God.

For a Alumna Website is one of the means to get connected to its Alma Mater. Now that Ladyhill Victoria has got its own website let’s get connected and remain connected.

Sr. Grace Miranda A.C.
(Sr. Ujvala A.C.)



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