The inauguration of the school cabinet was held on 25.06.2018 in the school hall in the presence of the teachers and students. The ceremony began at 9.15am with Kavya Kudva of XD as the Master of ceremony. The evoke the blessings of God the programme began with the short prayer. The governor of school cabinet Sr.Ujwala, Asst. Governor Sr. Annette and Tr. Clementine lit the lamp as a symbol of devine inspiration and knowledge. The S.P.L., Snehal Crystal Lobo, the A.S.P.L. Shloka, Kavya Kudva as the speaker and the opposition party leader Thasma lit their candles, followed by the cabinet and opposition members. This was proceeded with the oath taking ceremony of the cabinet members who were assisted by the governor in taking the oath. They promised to strive hard for the development of the school. Then the cabinet members read their duties and received their badges from the governor. The cabinet members were addressed by the governor and handed over the school flag to the S.P.L. ,A.S.P.L., speaker and opposition leader. The inaugural of the school cabinet for the academic year 2018-19 came to an end by singing the school Anthem.
















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